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LDAP/SSO Configuration

You may use LDAP and Active Directory user groups to restrict the visibility of certain printers for users.

Configuring LDAP

  1. Open the SEAL APW Service configuration file:

    C:\ProgramData\SEAL Systems\config\apw-rest.yml
  2. Enter the URL of the LDAP server:

    url: ldap://<hostname.port>

    Hint - Active Directory server

    If you use an Active Directory server you may use the following setting:

    url: ldap://<foo.local>
  3. Enter the LDAP Distinguished Name to configure the user search and group membership:

    baseDN: DC=<foo>,DC=<local>
  4. Enter user name and password to configure the group search in LDAP:

    username: <user@foo.local>
    password: <secret>
  5. Restart SEAL APW REST service:

    restart-service apw-rest
  6. Check the log file for connection errors:

    C:\ProgramData\SEAL Systems\log\apw-rest.log
  7. Open the http://localhost:8085 index page in a browser.

    The current user name and the group memberships will be displayed.

Activating Single Sign-On

If you wish to activate Single Sign-on (SSO) with NTLM, your browser needs to trust the host name of SEAL APW REST service.

  1. Start Internet Explorer.

  2. Open the following page:

    Tools/Internet Options/Security/Trusted Sites
  3. Enter the URL of the server on which SEAL APW REST service is installed.

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