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SEAL APW REST service with TLS Encryption

By default SEAL APW REST service uses HTTP to listen to the port specified in SEAL APW REST service configuration file.

Configuring the HTTPS Connection

  1. Create a self-certified TLS certificate in PEM format, e. g. using OpenSSL.

  2. Replace the following file by the newly created private key:

    C:\ProgramData\SEAL Systems\config\tls-external\key.pem
  3. Replace the following file by the newly created public certificate:

    C:\ProgramData\SEAL Systems\config\tls-external\cert.pem
  4. Set the TLS_DIR_EXTERNAL key to the corresponding path:

    TLS_DIR_EXTERNAL: C:\ProgramData\SEAL Systems\config\tls-external
  5. Restart SEAL APW REST service.

Further Configuration

The optional TLS_CIPHERS key customizes the TLS Cipher suites used.

For detailed information about the default TLS Cipher suite and other available suites, see Modifying the Default TLS Cipher suite.

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